Accreditation &
Driver Group Australia trading as Driver Bus Lines, is fully accredited under the Bus Safety Act 2009, by the Victorian State Government. We also hold all relevant accreditations and licenses to enable full and complete operation in the State of Victoria and throughout Australia.
- Driver Group Australia accreditation number: AO 0007166
- Driver Coastal accreditation number: AO 002779
- Parks Victoria: PV1238
- ATAP (Australian Tourism Accreditation Program): 1449
Driver Group Australia also holds memberships in relevant industry organisations and vehicle heritage groups.
- BusVic: DR 1001
- BIC (Bus Industry Confederation)
- VTIC (Victorian Tourism Industry Council)
- BCSV (Bus and Coach Society of Victoria)
- HCVA (Historical Commercial Vehicle Association)
- ATHA (American Truck Historical Association – Australian Chapter)